Hi, I’m Michael!
In 2020, during the height of the pandemic, I started writing to capture the world as I saw it. I created a Google Doc and made a point to write as often as possible. That early momentum carried me through another pivotal moment in my life when I was diagnosed with Stage 4 Lymphoma in 2021. Writing became a way for me to document my feelings, my fears, and my experiences as I navigated this new chapter.
My background in technology, combined with a deep-seated desire to learn, led me to purchase this domain during the pandemic. Although the site remained inactive for some time while I focused on my health, once I recovered, I made it my goal to build the website as a self-driven project. I wanted to challenge myself and see if I could teach myself web development. I also host the site on a server I built for home automation projects, which is another area of personal interest for me.
Writing has always been important to me, but it wasn’t until recently that I realized how much it really helps me express what’s on my mind. I hope you find something here that resonates with you.
States Visited
Music Festivals Attended
A New Beginning
When I was diagnosed with cancer, I was already extremely sick. At that point, I was just happy that the doctors had finally found something to blame for the way I was feeling. The ordeal taught me a lot, but it humbled me in ways I can’t explain to someone who hasn’t experienced it. The reason I know this, is because every other survivor I’ve mentioned this to has agreed with me. Since I’ve been told I’m in remission, I definitely have a renewed look at life. Although there are lingering issues leftover from cancer, I’d rather use a cane then have to go through chemo again.
The benefit of my cancer journey was that any fear of missing out, apprehension, or fear of judgement has essentially been dissolved from my psyche. I’ve truly learned to stop caring what people think about me, to do the things I want to do, to live how I want to live, and to enjoy the time that I have on this planet as best as I can without any second guesses, doubts, or insecurities.
Talking to myself
I’ve never really written with the intent that someone is going to read it. A lot of my posts are streams of consciousness, ranting about something, or a random thought that popped into my head while walking the dogs. If you read something here and you can identify with it, awesome! But if you read something here and you completely disagree with it, that’s awesome too! I really don’t care too much because again, I’m not writing this under the pretense that someone will ever find it.
In a world that often feels disconnected, writing allows me to make the connections. It allows me to get my thoughts out without the worry of offending someone or making someone nervous that I’m depressed or not doing well. Sometimes I just get in my feelings and sometimes I just want to share an opinion on what I’m listening to.
The main thing I want to get across is to read most of these entries with zero expectations and an open mind. If you’ve made it this far, thanks for taking the time to get to know me. I hope you enjoy your stay.
Michael Hunt
Writer, Music Lover, Tech Guru, Ken to a Barbie, Dog Dad (x2), IT Professional, Green Thumb, Cancer Survivor, Psychonaut, & Home Automation wiz